What people say about us and their journey
Here are a few words about how we’ve helped
Chris B
Coached from couch to race
Wow, words really can’t express the feeling I have after completing my first Spartan race. After experiencing some pretty significant traumas as a child, I had unfortunately turned to substances to escape from my reality. I spent the next 20 years trying to get it right, ended up homeless a few times, and stacked up quite a bit of wreckage. 11 years ago I met my best friend and my beautiful wife Erin Bartz and she changed my life forever. 2 children and 8 years later I was diagnosed with COPD and an another chronic illness, all caused by my 20 year run. It felt like a death sentence at the time and I felt as though my health was slipping away and I wouldn’t get it back.
6 months ago I met a man Gino Meriano who introduced me to the world of OCR and I was inspired to change my life again. I couldn’t run a half mile at the time, but with his love and support he pushed me beyond what I ever thought possible, and in 3 months, I was running a 15k. This last Saturday I ran the Super, my first Spartan and I am forever changed. Almost 9 miles and 29 obstacles I came in 122 out of 529 men in my age group.
I will be getting my Sprint here, in my home state of AZ on Feb 25 the day after my 43rd birthday, and I will be coming for the Beast later this year.
Thank you Erin Bartz for all of your love an support throughout the years, you are my best friend and I love you dearly. Gino Meriano thank you for inspiring and pushing me beyond.

Some quick heading
The journey to being healthy has definitely been more fun with you in it Gino ❤️
Life Changing moments
And you and you alone were the inspiration that took a 51yo overweight heart attack in waiting, to getting his butt in gear to now be a healthy 53yo with a future so THANKS Gino 👌🙏
Loved every second of watching your journey!

My ongoing journey
At my highest weight I was at 202lbs. I was sluggish and sore. I was pissed at myself for letting myself get there…again.
To be TOTALLY honest, my current weight is 184lb. I would love to see the number on the scale continue to drop, BUT keep reminding myself that my value is not in that number. I know if I keep doing what I’m currently doing (as far as diet/training) that number will drop inevitably.
Im feeling stronger and have more energy and I am THRIVING off my new way of training. Thanks again to coach Gino … Just keep going!
Never been one for the gym as that needs self motivation, I find Gino’s energy and inspiration highly infectious. Gino’s passion and enthusiasm keep me coming back week after week to push my limits to what I never thought possible.

Inspirational in living life
Gino has been an incredible inspiration to me not only in the areas of physical fitness but in so many areas of personal development, mental health and facing fear head on. Gino’s ability to be fearlessly honest about whatever he was facing whether it’s been an emotional obstacle, ptsd, poor habits or dealing with past mistakes, Gino puts it all out there, without shame for others to learn and grow from. As someone who feels constantly judged and held to unreasonable standards, watching Gino publicly say, these are my accomplishments and these are my downfalls, inspires me and moves me in more ways than I can say. We are all a work in progress and Gino models like no one else I know. I’m so grateful and I know I’m a better person because of it.
Energy with a smile to push you to do your best.
I was thinking, What to say about Gino“? But all thought come to one sentence:
Gino is an amazing guy with a lot of energy and the will to get the best out of everybody he knows.
He can kick your ass with exercises from hell and will smile, but not because he hates you. Nooooo, he will smile because he knows that you will improve and challenge yourself!!!

By now, most of you know that I like to run races. It’s my new found passion and has done so much for both my mind and body over the last year. This is a peek at how I train for them which I haven’t shared much of, but more importantly how I work at being a better human.
It’s all possible because of my awesome coach Gino Meriano and his amazing group and community. I have always wanted to model healthy food and lifestyle choices to my kids and especially the way the world is right now little D and I have been able to continue to set fitness goals that we can work towards and crush on our own terms and in our own environment.
Falling into this community of people and this sport (obstacle course and 5k racing) has been life changing. 💕🏃♀️
All about the Mind, Body and Soul
By such great fortune we met and had a common goal – Spartan… before I knew it we became friends and he joined the gang in my training group and 1-1 sessions.
When we started training I realized quickly what a dedicated and committed guy Grayson was, his drive is incredible, he pushes hard and understands his goals and what he wants to achieve for this year and moving forward.
I am so proud to have such an awesome guy that constantly pushes, trains with a smile on this face and is always eager to learn – a true blessing and a pleasure for me to be part of his life…

As you can see from his picture – transformations happen in many ways and with this dude it’s about strength and definition and BOY he is achieving this in every way. He understands all about the Mind, Body and Soul and has embraced the Spartan Lifestyle in many ways!
From Grayson…
The change goes way beyond muscle.
I’ve been able to learn so much about how my body moves, nutrition, mental health, and relational health.Because of my team, I’m able to continue chasing a better me with the goal of giving back.
I’d like to encourage everyone to pick just one thing you’d like to have happen in the next week, and go for it.
Secretly I hope it’s signing up for a Spartan Race 🙂
Bless you all!
Obstacle podium winning techniques that worked
Having dropped down to 210 and a blown back my journey to train for the race was short a hard, then I finally met Gino at Spartan SoCal in 2019 at the open house – we had a lot of fun and he gave me all the valuable tips to try and beat all the obstacles
I was ready and nervous but I took it head on and got 9th place in Age Group.
Your my hero stud.